3 Reasons to Convert Your Screened-in Porch to a Sunroom

Living in Brisbane, you already know how hot your porch gets during the summer. The heat can be stifling even if your patio is screened-in, so you end up not using your outdoor space for almost the entire season. What a waste!

If you want to get more use out of your patio, consider converting it into a sunroom. Glass sunroom enclosures provide better protection against heat and the elements and are more comfortable to lounge in, letting you hang out on your porch even in the summer.  

Here are more reasons to convert your screened-in porch into a glass sunroom.

  1. Comfortable Room Temperature

The screens used in porches still let air pass through, which is great for cool and windy days. But during summer and winter, screened-in patios won’t be able to maintain the temperature at a comfortable level, making the space unusable.

Glass room enclosures, on the other hand, offer better temperature control. The enclosure traps conditioned air inside the space and prevents heat from escaping or entering, letting you use the room anytime you want.

A tip: use double-glazed glass to enclose your sunroom, especially if you’re planning to convert it to a fully functional space like an office or a guest room. Double-glazed glass traps air between the two panes, which acts as a layer of insulation that reduces the amount of heat passing through the room.

This type of glass is the best option for multifunctional sunrooms because they make it easier for your HVAC to maintain the temperature inside the room. It makes the room more comfortable and energy-efficient at the same time, letting you save a few dollars on your electricity bill.

  1. Better Light Control

Both screened-in patios and sunrooms allow natural light into your outdoor living area. The difference is that the latter gives you more control over how much natural light you want to let in.

You can use any kind of window treatment for glass sunrooms, from roman shades to draperies. Additionally, you can look at motorized options if you want a programmable and easy-to-operate window treatment.

Although screened-in patios can also be furnished with blinds or curtains, you’ll need to choose ones made from materials that can withstand rain and heavy winds since the screens don’t fully enclose the space. This rules out certain window treatments, such as curtains and other fabrics.

  1. Multi-functionality

The biggest advantage of a glass sunroom is its versatility. A sunroom can serve as an extension of either your outdoor or indoor space — its purpose depends entirely on your lifestyle. Many homeowners use their glass room enclosure as a dining or lounging area for when they have guests, but you can also convert it into any of the following:

  • Home office
  • Workout or yoga space
  • Guest room
  • Kids’ playroom

You can even turn your glass room enclosure into a small greenhouse. Just make sure to tell the contractor about your plan, so they can include the plumbing and drainage system in the room. 

If you’re still on the fence about turning your patio into a sunroom, consult a professional builder to make a better-informed decision. Tell them about your daily routine and what you need the extra space for, and they’ll explain how a glass room enclosure fits into your lifestyle.

Professional Patio Builder in Brisbane

Just Patios is a trusted builder of patios, carports, glass room enclosures and other outdoor enclosures in the Sunshine Coast. We cater to residential and commercial clients, helping you make the most out of your outdoor space.

Our team also builds insulated roofing systems to make your patio more energy-efficient.

Request an obligation-free quote for your new sunroom today.

Get in touch

Need a builder to custom design and install patios, carports and enclosures in Brisbane? Call the professional builders at Just Patios today!