5 Outdoor Home Improvements to Increase Resale Value

First impressions are always essential, and curb appeal is crucial when selling a house. Even just professional landscaping can increase your home’s value by up to 28%.

As cheesy as it sounds, people aren’t just shopping for a house — they want a home. You can use this to your advantage and increase the value of your property, making it both sell faster and fetch a higher price.

Read on to discover some simple exterior features you can invest in and how a quality patio and insulated roofing systems fit into the perfect backyard.

The Best Outdoor Features to Accelerate the Sale of Your House

Savvy investments add value, ensure you make your money back, and accelerate the selling process. Let’s introduce the best exterior features that can all greatly influence resale rates.

A Garden With a Pool

Although they’re one of the costlier upgrades, pools can add significant value in warm climates like Australia, making the investment worth every penny.

Wooden Deck

Wood is a high-quality option for an exterior design that gives decks a charming retro character.

You could also opt for a cheaper alternative — hit the road to your nearest home depot, gather your friends or family to roll up the sleeves, and do the work yourselves.

Plants and Trees

Shade trees are perfect for summer. During the day, they produce natural shade where you can relax, and during the night, the oxygen they emit becomes a cost-effective temperature stabiliser. 

If you want to use plants to enhance your property, make sure to plant the tree away from the house so its roots won’t damage the foundation.

New Patio

A majority of potential buyers want a home to include a new patio. A new patio increases the home value by 8-10% on average.

Ultimately, you don’t need to install an entirely new patio. You can simply revamp the existing structure — change the furnishing, look into glass enclosures, or redo the roofing and choose insulated systems.

New Parking Lots

Garages usually also need refurbishing — especially if it’s an old lot. Home buyers typically look for carports that protect their vehicles from the familiar Aussie storms.

Get in Touch with the Best Insulated Roofing Systems 

When looking for a professional insulated roofing systems company to redo your yard or parking lot, you need high-quality workers, longevity, and experience.

Just Patios combines all that into a single package. Driven by perfection and excellent design — we enjoy a total yard makeover. If you have any questions about your yard, visit our website and contact us today!

Get in touch

Need a builder to custom design and install patios, carports and enclosures in Brisbane? Call the professional builders at Just Patios today!